Pastor’s Corner May 12, 2022
“Commitment is the key.” John C. Maxwell
In a recent Minute with Maxwell leadership expert John Maxwell shared the above quote. It was a saying he had laminated so he could carry it with him in his pocket. He latched onto that saying during a particularly difficult time when he was moving through a challenging period of his own leadership journey. This simple statement really resonated for me. When times get tough it can be really challenging to remain committed. The challenge for many of us is that we have many commitments, sometimes too many. We have a sense of commitment to and for our family and friends. Many of us have a sense of commitment related to our work and vocation. And then there’s the church. We need a number of people to keep things going here at FCC. Sadly, many of the things that have to happen here at the church are behind the scenes and people do not know all the planning and preparation that goes on in the background. Even those with a more public presence, like you pastor here, expend a lot of energy and effort out of the spotlight. Lent and Eastertide are prime examples. So much happens during those months that requires the commitment of many people.
Preparing for weekly worship and all the special seasonal services requires a great deal of commitment from the church staff; the pastor, music director and congregational administrative assistant. We also keep our cleaning staff quite busy and we have nursery staff as well. However, without the hosts of volunteers nothing significant would happen. From the commitment of the various church officers and members of the Board to all the committee and team chairs and members, a lot of committed people make it all happen. The Worship Team, our music director, the various musical groups from the Torch Team to the Sanctuary Choir, from all our handbell and recorder musicians to our various soloists, many hours are spent in planning, practicing and preparation. There are also committed individuals who prepare our worship space for all the various types of worship services. From the Lent/Easter display by the baptistery to all the flowers that adorn our sanctuary for Easter, hours are spent in making all these preparations. And of course, we cannot forget our volunteer technical staff that run the screen during worship and keeps the livestream going. We gave that group a lot of extra work during the spring. Not only did we livestream weekly worship, but we had volunteers up in the balcony for all the special services, for the funeral of Arlene Heimer and for a Regional event we hosted here at FCC just after Easter.
Although worship is central to our life as a congregation, there are many others who participate in ministry throughout the week. We have many individuals who lead in the educational ministries of FCC. A variety of individuals work with our children, youth and adults on Wednesday evenings. Our Elders and others voluntarily visit many of our members and deliver things like Easter Lilies and fill Scrip orders. Our Deacons help with many of those visits and make sure all is ready for worship, particularly overseeing the preparations for the Lord’s Supper. Volunteers take care of our building and the grounds, including mowing and make the outside and the inside of our facilities look their best. And of course we cannot forget our Disciple Women who tend to the congregation and family after funerals with their luncheon hospitality. Our Disciple Men and Women worked together to host the Regional Creation Cares day-long workshop in April.
Thankfully, we have a deeply committed group of people who lead and participate in all our ministries here at FCC. There’s always room for more. As we resume many of our activities following COVID we need volunteers more than ever. Whatever your gifts and interests, there is a place for you here. As we move into the summer months we continue to need faithful and committed volunteers. In this issue of the Messenger we have some opportunities to contribute to our life and ministry here at FCC. If you have a gift for gab and a desire to break out your FCC t-shirt, come join us on June 11th for our Outreach/Fundraiser event. If you would rather be behind the scenes, bring something for our Youth Group Food-raiser. John Maxwell said it well, commitment really is the key. Thank you to everyone who shares their sense of commitment with us here at FCC!
With a truly grateful heart, Pastor Karen