Pastor’s Corner (3/07/19)

 In Pastor's Corner

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. – – Luke 4:1-2

As the Messenger rolls out this week we’ll be entering the season of Lent. This is a time of preparation and renewal as we make our way toward Easter. Lent is officially 40 days (excluding Sundays) and is intended to emulate the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism. This time in the wilderness was also a period of preparation prior to the beginning of his public ministry. Like Jesus, we are also invited into a time of preparation and renewal. There are a variety of ways to prepare during this season. Here at FCC we’re offering several opportunities to facilitate our movement through this season. Everyone is invited to take a devotional booklet entitled “Leaning IN, Letting GO” by Nicole Massie Martin. This will be a great guide for everyone to use in their personal and/or family devotions.

This year we are once again offering small groups to enhance the journey through Lent. We are offering five different groups on various days and at various times. There are sign-up sheets in the parlor or you can contact the church office or Pastor Karen if you want more information or wish to sign-up for a group. The focus for our group times will be a study entitled “Learning Forgiveness” by Marjorie Thompson. It’s not too late to sign up and we look forward to welcoming everyone into one of our small groups.

Of course, worship is a central part of our journey through Lent. We begin this season with worship on Ash Wednesday. Part of our emphasis this year is on our unity as believers. The various Lincoln congregations in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will be gathering together for Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday worship. On Ash Wednesday we’ll be gathering at 7 pm at Bethany Christian Church located at 1645 N. Cotner Blvd. We’ll gather once again here at FCC on Maundy Thursday at 5:30 pm for a soup supper and 7 pm for worship. We’ll also mark our passage through the Lenten wilderness during weekly Sunday worship.

Lent can be a special time of preparation and renewal. We are invited to be a bit more intentional about our faith journey with God. We’re all invited to make time personally to nurture our relationship with God. But, don’t forget the corporate aspects of our journey as we gather for our small groups and for worship on the special days of Lent and on each Sunday of this holy season.

May Lent 2019 be a time of renewal for each, and all, of us as we are led into the wilderness by the Spirit and sustained by God.

Pastor Karen


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