Pastor’s Corner (10/21/2021)

 In Pastor's Corner

As I mentioned in my last Pastor’s Corner, one of the things that drew me to the John Maxwell Team and their leadership training was what they call the “John Maxwell Team DNA.” The DNA of this organization aligns with my perception of the church. The founder and leader of this organization is John C. Maxwell, a person of faith who served as a pastor for many years before beginning the John Maxwell Team. The organization has 10 values that resonate for me and may resonate for you as well. Now I would like to explore the final 6 values.

Value #5-Live Intentionally. We gain traction in our personal growth when we live intentionally.

“Move from success to significance.” Success is about me, significance is about others.

This value really resonated for me. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of success. We look at our numbers, our budget, and the number of our programs. However, the real issue for us as people of faith is not success but significance. What impact do we have on people’s lives that adds depth and meaning to life? How would we be different as a congregation if we pondered significance instead of success?

Value #6-Exceed Expectations.

I think this value urges us to consider our particular contribution to the lives of others. How might we uniquely serve our congregation, our community, and the Church as a whole? As we consider our niche, how might we exceed expectations?

Value #7-Equip other people.

This is a critical value as we prepare for the upcoming year. I ask myself this question as the pastoral leader of this congregation. I have begun this leadership training program with the hope of gaining some insight into this important value. I welcome any feedback others may have regarding this value. What would help you grow as a leader? How can I be an important part of this area of growth? How might other leaders in the congregation equip members for leadership?

Value #8-Be Consistent. “Long term consistency trumps short term intensity.”

In many ways we have demonstrated some proficiency in this area. Now that this congregation is 152 years old, we can say that we have been a consistent presence in the shadow of the capitol. How might we strengthen our consistent ministry as we move forward?

Value #9-Be a Catalyst for Transformation. A trainer loves to lead, a leader seeks transformation.

Although we talk about change a great deal, as a community of faith we are really called to be agents of transformation. This invites us to ponder “how does our life of faith call us into transformation and equip us to be agents of transformation as well?”

Value #10-Allow Room for Faith.

For us as a community of faith, this may seem to be a “no brainer.” And yet, I think it is easy to lose sight of this very foundational value. We can be easily side-tracked by the values of our culture and our time. Sometimes it is easy to measure ourselves by the world’s standards and not by those of Christ.

I hope these reflections invite us all to consider and celebrate what our central values are and how they guide us. To think about where we are going requires reflection on who we are and what we value. Examining  these core values has been meaningful for me and I hope has been valuable to each of you, as well.



In peace and love,

Pastor Karen


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