Pastor’s Corner (1/20/2022)

 In Pastor's Corner

In a recent “Minute with Maxwell” video, the presenter John Maxwell focused on the topic “Be Enthusiastic.”  He elaborated on this topic by presenting a tribute to his recently deceased father Melvin. His tribute included some of the advice Melvin gave to his son. Melvin lived to the age of 98. At the age of 85 he wrote Celebrating the Senior Years which John presented at his father’s funeral.

  1. Stay alive and don’t quit dreaming. Find new ideas and set new goals.
  2. Don’t give over to defeat and discouragement. Things are not as bad as you think.
  3. Never think that you are too old. Moses was 80 and led three and a half million people out of captivity.
  4. Never think you’ve lost your usefulness. Your years have given you both experience and wisdom to share with others.
  5. Never think you are not needed or important. Everyone you meet needs a smile or some loving words.
  6. Never stop trying. Persistence always wins. Your candle may be burnt down, but not out. Don’t complain because you’re gray or bald, a lot of people haven’t lived that long.
  7. Keep your spirit of praise and constantly think about the goodness of God. Your attitude not your aptitude determines your spiritual altitude.
  8. Love God more each day. He is with you each day. He has no losers, just quitters. You’re near the winning line, just hang on to get there.
  9. Try to leave a memorial that will live on and on; love, kind words, thoughtfulness, faith, vision, a charitable gift.

Melvin Maxwell’s words really resonated for me. Perhaps it’s because I’m getting older myself. I’m not sure I’m ready to celebrate my senior years, but I thought his advice was quite good for all of us. What would happen if we were able to really celebrate life in these nine ways?

I hope we are all able to celebrate life whatever our years. I hope Melvin’s words of wisdom resonate for you as they do for me.

In peace and love,

Pastor Karen


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