Pastor’s Corner (08/15/19)

 In Pastor's Corner

“Always we begin again” St. Benedict

The author of the Rule and founder of the Benedictine order reminds us that life is full of new beginnings. I am particularly mindful of this promise as we transition from summer to fall. As students are at the end of their first week of school here in Lincoln, we are reminded of the excitement that comes with this new beginning. Each school year offers the opportunity to begin again and present ourselves in new ways. Here at FCC we “always begin again” as well. As we transition from summer to fall, we gear up for all our regular activities to begin once again. Our Wednesday night chorale program practices will begin on September 4. We’re also gearing up for a new year of Christian Education. We’re looking at options for our Adult Study on Wednesday evenings at 5:30. Other groups, like our Disciples Women, will also begin a new study. New beginnings provide opportunities for reinvention and renewal.

One of the challenges of new beginnings can be the invitation to do things a little differently. We’re invited to take on new studies, explore new facets of our faith, and promote fellowship. One area that we’re looking at is Snack Supper on Wednesday evenings. We all know the adage “feed them and they will come.” We’re looking at ways to provide a meal and promote fellowship without making it a burden. We’ll be talking about this at our Ministry Cabinet meeting on August 18. If you have any ideas please contact me or the church office, we welcome your feedback.

You may also notice some “new beginnings” as you make your way around the church. The pastor’s study, as well as a few other areas in the church, is getting a face-lift. Repairs are being done and that necessitates a new coat of paint. Sometimes freshening up the outward appearance invites us to inward renewal as well. As we spruce up our building we do so, in part, to prepare for our anniversary celebrations. “As we celebrate our past, we embrace our future.” On the September 7 we’ll be celebrating our past with a potluck at the Carriage House at Wyuka Cemetery.

Following our potluck, we’ll be visiting the graves of six of our founders who were also movers and shakers in our community and state. Then, on Sunday September 8, we’ll embrace our future with General Minister and President Rev. Terri Hord Owens, who’ll be preaching in worship. Following worship, we’ll come together in the gym for a catered lunch and an opportunity for fellowship. As we move to the end of our 150th year, we are invited to “begin again.” Be sure to join us for these special events and invite your friends and family to come along.

Isn’t that really the beauty of our faith? God reminds us that each and every day, each and every year, each and every decade, we are reminded that “always we being again.” What a wonderful opportunity! What a wonderful gift!

With joy and love,

Pastor Karen


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