The History

Our congregation was established in 1869. We are among the early Christian congregations established in this area. Over the years we have continued to be a strong witness to the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament.

Our congregation is autonomous (self-governing) subject only to the authority of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament. We affirm our need to share mutually and more fully our gifts, testimonies, and life in Christ.

Through the spirit of cooperation and covenant we are a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Nebraska with offices located in Lincoln Nebraska, and the Christian Church in the United States and Canada with general offices located in Indianapolis, St. Louis, and Nashville.

We are an open and affirming congregation. We welcome all to First Christian Church, including members of the LGBTQ+ community. Everyone is welcome to full inclusion in all aspects of our congregational life.

about the disciples of christ

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was established in America in the late 1700’s. We do not claim to be the only Christians. Instead we pray that we are Christians only in our actions, thoughts, and teachings.

We believe in a healthy balance between emotion and Biblical scholarship. We believe that the Hebrew Scriptures are a record of God’s encounters with His people. We proclaim the New Testament teachings as the basis of our beliefs.

One of our founding principles was to bring about the unity of Christians based on New Testament scripture. We believe that God looks with tears in His eyes at the divisions of His Church. We respect all Church bodies that proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We practice baptism by immersion, because that was the basis for baptism found in the New Testament. We also accept those coming by transfer of membership from other congregations. We bless babies and younger children in a ceremony in which the parents dedicate themselves to nurture the child in a Christian home and train the child in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Each Sunday we celebrate the Lord’s Supper because that was the practice in the New Testament. “As often as two or three gather together in my name, do this in remembrance of me.”

The Christian Church in the United States and Canada
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Nebraska
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