Children Are Always Welcome
Children are always welcome in any part of our congregation’s life and may take part in the worship service. We realize that it can be difficult for them to engage, so we have two ways for them to feel included. Activity bags are available in the narthex that have items for them to use anytime during worship.
We also have a program for children that are 3 to 7 years old called Worship & Wonder. It takes place at approximately 10:40 a.m. after the children’s sermon during worship. Children are led to the 2nd floor classroom where they experience the wonder and mystery of God in a child-friendly setting. During this time:
- Children gather on the floor to sing songs and greet one another.
- They hear and see a Biblical story presented and have time and questions to lead them to think about the story.
- During individual “work time” they respond to the story using story objects, books, and art materials.
- They hear a Bible reading, offer prayers, and prepare for the “feast”.
- They enjoy the “feast”.
- The children are dismissed with an individual blessing.
We use foundational stories from ‘Young Children and Worship’ by Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman to guide children to become thinking and active learners of their faith.
Sunday School for children in grades 2 through 5 takes place at 9:30 a.m. in the 2nd floor classroom.